Back in the mid to late 80's I was in my late teens, the fittest I have ever been and as well as being an A' Level student, I was a mountain biker racer. I raced most weekends throughout South Wales, the Forest of Dean and surrounding areas and that was my life. My school's…
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Details of coaching sessions coming soon.
We are near completion of our Skills Area and will be announcing dates for our coaching sessions in the coming weeks. We would like to take the time again to thank Buff, Sue Me and HardnutZ who, as our headline sponsors, will be providing incentives and prizes for our sessions and kit for our coaches.…
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Riddle me this!
Review by - Chris Hyde Who am I ? "I am stronger than steel, stiffer than aluminum, have more impact strength than carbon fibre, can be eaten, drunk, used to make medicine, paper, textiles musical instruments and scaffolding" Any ideas yet? What if we add "I am also the staple diet of the Giant Panda, a species…
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