We arrived at ten o’clock on a nice warm sunny day. Present were Phil Saxena from Architrail, Keely and people from the council, Park Rangers, a lady from the Salvation Army, volunteers and the youth members from Hadleigh Mountain Bike Club. The morning was to show us and the other people how to look…
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Hadleigh Farm – Weekly Update 6th October
What happened last week? The launch of the Hadleigh Legacy project is fast approaching and Essex County Council and Active Essex are pleased to announce two exciting opportunities. Firstly the project will create six redeveloped Business units with the aim to attract local business and help boost the local economy. Secondarily is the bike…
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Langdon Hills 2014 Mud, Sweat and Gears – Robert Staines
The weekend started Friday night knowing that we did not have to get up at the crack of dawn to get ready, (like we usually do). There was no aspire in the morning as Steve Manser was setting up the course on Saturday morning so he could then run a short session in the…
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