MS&G Round 3 – Henham Hall – Max Rethman

MS&G Round 3 - Henham Hall - Max Rethman

Unusually hot day at Henham Hall found us all racing in just shorts and race tops, which I prefer as you can move better.

The under 12 course was not particularly technical. With no real A lines in the main course it would be hard to find a technically challenging course for the under 12’s. So the course favoured the sprinters rather than the technical rider.

The start was on an uphill that led into the woods. The best part of the course was here in the wood where there were lots of short uphill’s and downhills with lots banks which you could go around really fast. This was the only real technical bit in the whole of the under 12 course, so I made the most of this.

The rest of the course consisted of long stretches of grass where you had the opportunity to overtake other riders that led in and out of the wooded areas. I would have preferred to spend more time in the woods and done some of the technical stuff that was in the main course, as there was nothing really hard. There were two steep hills that tested the strength of your legs. This allowed the strength riders to gain time on the spinners as they could power up the hills.

The finish was a dash over the bridge to gantries, this was great as if you were in a group you could really sprint for the finish.

Although this was not my type of course I did enjoy it.

Max Rethman