Welsh Enduro Series Round 2 – Coed-Y-Brenin – Bradley Hurr

Race Report – Welsh Enduro Series Round 2 – Coed-Y-Brenin

After a 5 hour drive up to a friend’s house in Dolgellau on Saturday, meant I could have a reasonably leisurely start to the Sunday, with only a ten minute drive to Coed-Y-Brenin to get signed on and setup for my first Enduro event!

Transponder picked up, number board on I took a gentle ride up the first transition to get a sighting lap in prior to the race. Join the queue at the head of the stage to get some breath back, the xc training helping as I wasn’t blowing too hard and pull the goggles on to see what stage one of three held.

Only three stages? Yup, all black graded runs, rocky, fast and technical. Stage 1 was aptly called The beginning of the end, with some the rocks and roots rattling the bars all the way.

A fairly long transition onto stage two, Y Slab, with a techy rocky climb to the start gate.

A couple of line choices on the steep rock slab to start meant a slower line on the left or the faster straighter line requiring a pre hop to clear a section and get a fast run down the rocks. Feeling confident I thought I’d try option 2. Lost foot off the pedal, went down the rocks on the front wheel and a big OTB to the chorus of ‘oooh’s’ from everyone watching. Decided to do the slower safer line.  Overall a tough long stage.

Very long transition to stage three, ‘Rocky Horror’ a fast loose stage to begin with, all single track, fast fireroad link into a steep slippery wooded section with some awesome looping berms to the end of the stage.

Managed to get back to the carpark to refuel before my race time, Then called up to start in the group of ten. Here I found probably my favourite part of the day. The transitions were spent chatting with a few of the guys in the group which made the race seem more like a social ride out , only with stages of riding completely pinned and then comparing experiences on the next transitions.

Stage 1 felt good, rough but fun. Stage 2 I threw the chain after the first slab drop, quickly put it back on and got back into it, catching a couple of guys in front of me. Stage 3 was fast and I felt like I’d emptied the tank by the end of it.

Overall a great introduction to the world of Enduro racing, the standard of riding was insane and will definitely be going back for more.

Thanks to Scimitar for the awesome new Enduro team jerseys.