The weekend started Friday night knowing that we did not have to get up at the crack of dawn to get ready, (like we usually do). There was no aspire in the morning as Steve Manser was setting up the course on Saturday morning so he could then run a short session in the…
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Race Report-MS&G Round 7 – Shouldham Warren
Saturday As we approached Shouldham Warren we crossed beautiful flat fields full of crops ready to be harvested. The sky was grey with a sun desperate to shine through. I arrived at 1:30pm as pre-arranged by Steve Manser to have a practise on the course ahead of Sunday’s race. Shouldham Warren is nestled behind…
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Velo Club Ibiza
Some of may have seen a number of posts put up when we were on our summer holidays in Ibiza, regarding George carrying out training rides, so I thought I would share some information with you all in case you are considering a winter (or summer) break and want to take in personal one…
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How often should you get treated
Kieran Mote BScSport Therapist07880 883836 Injury prevention is always better than injury treatment. The advice given below is for different target groups on how often to see a therapist to prevent injury in the most ideal way for you. Remember, these are only guidelines for frequency of treatment. Therapy will help you perform…
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Race Report – MS&G Round 6 – George Crocombe – Thetford Forest
Saturday: The weekend started with a 5:30 wake up call to make sure we had enough time to get a good breakfast for the day ahead then get dressed and load the car with all the bikes and gear for the day, not forgetting our HardnutZ helmets for the training and racing. Once we…
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British Cycling–Regional School of Racing
The day started with an hour drive to Codham Park for the first RSR of 2014. When I arrived it was time to get the bike out and haul all my kit up to the marquee, which there was a lot of as we would be there all day. Once we were in the marquee…
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When is it going to be open to the public?
A question I hear far too often from members of the club and members of the public when I tell them of my involvement with the Hadleigh MTB Club and consequently the Hadleigh Farm Olympic Track. There are in-fact many reasons why this beautiful slab of Essex countryside, carved out with an equally beautiful yet…
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Details of coaching sessions coming soon.
We are near completion of our Skills Area and will be announcing dates for our coaching sessions in the coming weeks. We would like to take the time again to thank Buff, Sue Me and HardnutZ who, as our headline sponsors, will be providing incentives and prizes for our sessions and kit for our coaches.…
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Rudy Goes to Tunstall
Post by – Paul Coulson With the first round of the Mud, Sweat and Gears MTB series kicking off at Tunstall Forest again this year, all the talk on the internet forums was about just how wet it was going to be or even how much snow might fall before the event. That’s when I…
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Post By – Michael Travers I have been riding mountain bikes for 25 years and have seen fashions come and go, some have hung around, been perfected and become a must have and others have fallen by the way side. The most obvious part that has become de facto on a mountain bike is front…
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